
Bienvenue à El Medina

Restauration 100% halal et bar à chicha.


horaire : 

Restaurant salon de thé(Halal) : 12h - 23h
Bar a chicha : 12h - 1h45

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What is pricing? Pricing is the react of placing value on the business products or services. Setting a good prices to your products is actually a balancing operate. A lower cost isn’t constantly ideal, simply because the product may possibly…

What is pricing? Charges is the participate of placing a value on a business services or products. Setting the suitable prices for your products may be a balancing work. A lower price isn’t constantly ideal, seeing that the product might…

What is pricing? Pricing is the activity of placing value on the business products or services. Setting a good prices for your products is mostly a balancing turn. A lower cost isn’t definitely ideal, as the product may see a…

What is pricing? The prices is the conduct yourself of placing value over a business service or product. Setting an appropriate prices for your products is actually a balancing act. A lower price isn’t definitely ideal, mainly because the product…

What is pricing? Rates is the action of placing value over a business goods and services. Setting a good prices for your products is a balancing activity. A lower cost isn’t definitely ideal, because the product may possibly see a…