
Bienvenue à El Medina

Restauration 100% halal et bar à chicha.


horaire : 

Restaurant salon de thé(Halal) : 12h - 23h
Bar a chicha : 12h - 1h45

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Antivirus internet security software can be a great tool to use to patrol your computer from malware and other take a look at the site here hazards. It makes your private information, such as security passwords, safe and private. In addition , that protects your privacy by simply preventing spying eyes out of accessing the private data on-line. Although some persons prefer level of privacy protector computer software, antivirus net security applications are more convenient and efficient. Anti virus software reads all data files on your computer to distinguish and get rid of viruses and also other malware. To work, antivirus program must be modified with the latest computer definitions. Like that, it can catch any new threats which may come out.

Also to offering basic protection, antivirus net security software can offer advanced features, such as firewalls, username and password management, and protection from online shopping sites. Advanced features will provide even more security against keyloggers, hackers, and name thieves. To find the best antivirus internet reliability program to your requirements, consider the next information. To start with, consider the amount of money you are prepared to spend on the application. Its cost-free version is a wonderful place to start.

A great antivirus works by scanning your personal computer for trojans and vicious websites. Applying an antivirus will protect you from infections caused by a virus, worm, or trojan. It will also safeguard your information at the time you visit websites that are not legitimate. Phishing sites create as legitimate websites to steal your details. In this way, malware is essential in protecting your data. This program also includes parental controls and email safety. However , several users might not be aware of the presence of such tools.

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